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By: S. Grobock, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Co-Director, Sanford School of Medicine of the University of South Dakota

As well as the signifcant impact medication errors cause patients in terms of morbidity arthritis neck diet cheap 200mg celebrex with visa, mortality and increased length of hospital stay arthritis in neck of dogs order 100 mg celebrex amex, it is estimated nationally arthritis glucosamine purchase celebrex australia, medication errors occur in 5 to 20% of all drug administrations and approximately 1. A landmark study by Bates et al in 1999 showed that prescribing errors have accounted for 56% of all medication errors. There is clear evidence to support the fnding that medication documentation errors most commonly occur in the prescribing phase and that these prescribing errors are preventable, alongside drug administration errors (Ali et al 2009; Coobes et al 2009; Kopp et al 2006; Hogden et al 2005; Shulman et al 2005; Ridley et al 2004; Wetterneck et al 2004). Literature has long supported the concept of �pharmacist participation� in the prescribing stage of medication orders, aiming to reduce the number of prescribing errors (Leach 2006; Leape et al 1999). Despite the relatively newly introduced sixth right �Right documentation�, there is limited research exploring medication documentation errors by nurses. However, one multi national research study did highlight that there was a 45% error rate relating to �time of administration� when documenting medication administration amongst nurses (Valentin et al 2009). Sample the sample size of this audit consisted of 60 fowcharts: 30 handwritten fowcharts from 2004 (n=852) and 30 pre printed fowcharts from 2009 (n=727). As a further consideration, handwritten fowcharts only from 2004 and pre printed fowcharts from 2009 were selected to avoid any changes in documentation standards that may have occurred during pre printed fowchart trials held between 2005 and 2008. These guidelines stipulate the safe inpatient prescribing standards shown in Table 1. Table 3 outlines the four relevant categories identifed and the components of each category analysed. Patient identifying details Patient�s full name, date of birth and hospital registration number B. Identifed drug allergies or adverse drug reactions Documented known or unknown drug allergies or adverse drug reactions C. Prescribed medication infusions Date of order, patient�s weight, drug, drug solution, dose and rate and signature of prescriber D. Written consent was obtained from the local Government Department to access patient medical records. Of these 464 infusions there were a total of 495 documented medication errors identifed. The decreased number of infusions can be attributed to each drug infusion lasting for a 24 hour period instead of requiring a new drug order for each individual infusion1. Error Categories Category A comprised of an overall 46% (14/30) error rate in 2004 versus 0% (0/30) in 2009. In Category D, 17% (87/484) of documentation errors occurred in 2004 compared to 20% (37/185) in 2009. Error components Category A showed there were no errors relating to documenting patients� names and hospital registration numbers in 2004 and 2009 as shown in Figure 2. During 2004 fourteen documentation errors occurred versus zero errors in 2009 when documenting patients� date of birth. During 2004 there was no documentation cited of known or unknown drug allergies or adverse drug reactions on all 30 fowcharts. In 2009 this standard improved by 86% (26/30) where patients� drug allergy or adverse drug reaction was identifed in all but four charts2. Although there was an overall decline in patient numbers, patient acuity had increased in 2009 from 2004. This fgure shows that in 2004 there were 0% (0/30) errors documenting the prescribing days� date versus 0. During 2004 there was a 14% (66/484) error rate regarding drug rate versus 44% (83/185) in 2009. The rate of documentation errors for both 2004 and 2009 were signifcantly high with an error rate of 102%. While the gold standard of zero medication documentation errors is strived for eradicating medication errors from practice may be diffcult to achieve and unrealistic given that error is a fact of human condition (Leape 2009; McDowell et al 2009). Medication errors have been broken down into four classes as seen in Table 4 and while human error exists, the ideal aim and standard is the fourth class of �minor clinical signifcance� during the medication process (Kopp et al 2006). Minor Has no clinical implications to the patient Category A Documenting patient identifying details resulted in an improved standard when recording patients� date of birth by 53% (16/30). Documentation of patients� date of birth is of signifcant importance as it is key identifer of the patient under the �six rights� of medication administration for nurses (Crisp and Taylor 2010). The improved standard of 86% (26/30) when documenting patients� drug allergy or adverse drug reaction status can be attributed to the introduction of an allergy box on the pre printed fowchart in accordance with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare (2009) guidelines. Category C the largest error of documentation errors occurred in prescribing standards and this study found that prescribing errors had actually increased using the pre printed medication fowchart by 34%.

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Malaria has since become endemic-epidemic in Bol var c viruses use of subsoil state arthritis in hands fingers symptoms purchase celebrex discount. Studies carried out in several villages spanning 1999�2000 showed a During construction of dam in Tucurui horse with arthritis in back 100mg celebrex mastercard, Para State arthritis in the knee joint order celebrex 100mg on line, millions of that only three species of anophelines were caught on human landing hematophagous insects were obtained in a few days, from which several catches: An. In general, biting densities were low (fewer that two bites b In this serogroup of family Bunyaviridae, the new viruses Arumateua, per person per hour). Nevertheless, there was a strong correlation Caraipe, and Tucurui were isolated, and there was also an increase in between An. The most productive breeding sites in terms of anophelines spe for several purposes) from phlebotominae sandflies. This section focuses on in In terms of morbidity and mortality, dengue fever�caused by a fectious diseases linked to urbanization. It is caused by a avivirus and is endemic in about 100 countries and found in 14. Around 80 Lymphatic lariasis is one of the most prevalent tropical diseases, million cases are reported every year, of which 550, 000 people with some 120 million people infected, primarily in India and need hospital treatment and about 20, 000 die. Although dengue Africa, where there has been no decline in the incidence of the is primarily a tropical disease, it has become a great concern in disease for the past decade. In Southeast Asia, urban Bancroftian lari aegypti, a day-biting mosquito that prefers to feed on humans and asis Wuchereria bancrofti infection, a larial nematode, is related to that breeds at sites typically found in the urban environment: dis poor urban sanitation, which leads to intense breeding of C. This species has made extraordinary evolutionary environment, but rapidly invaded as soon as forest clearing began adjustments to coexist with human beings since its origins in Af and settlement expanded (Asmerasinghe in press). In urban East rica as a forest species feeding principally on wild animals (rodents Africa, lariasis is also transmitted by C. The transmission of malaria in urban areas in the Americas occurs the spread of the disease is associated with the geographical when urbanization invades the habitat of vectors. These phenomena expansion of the vector species, favored by current housing and have been observed in cities of Brazil such as Belem (Para state) water supply conditions as well as garbage collection practices in located near the mouth of the Amazon River and in Manaus (Ama developing countries. The anopheline species diversity has in level, in residential urban areas and the incidence of dengue infec creased from 2 in the 1930s to 6 in the 1940s to 10 in the 1990s. Moreover, communi approximately 20 years, probably due to the destruction of breeding ties with high infestations of Ae. During this period forests that maintain yellow fever virus, face a signi cant risk of the reported malaria cases were attributed to human immigration from yellow fever epidemics. In the population of Belem increased from 206, 331 in 1942�43 to creased aridity and eventual deserti cation due to increasing 934, 322 in 1980�89 and then to 1, 367, 677 in 1996. Coc malaria cases went from 363 in 1942�43 to 1, 197 in 1980�89 and cidioidomycosis is spread by dust, and disease outbreaks are often 2, 716 in 1996. Approximately 80% of the original forest has been de preceded by increased rain, followed by dry periods, and espe stroyed (Povoa et al. A well-documented out the District of Daent) toward the forested protected area and low break followed the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake, coastal swampy areas provided new larval habitats, resulting in a when 317 cases resulted (Schneider et al. In a study in higher mosquito diversity and closer proximity between human dwell Greece, factors thought to contribute to the extraordinary in ings and mosquito habitat, which increases the transmission of malaria. Nevertheless, the accelerated expansion of the suburbs into 1994) the surrounding jungle reestablished the contact between the human Leishmaniasis has been associated with urban settlements in population and the principal vector, An. There adapting to new circumstances; for example, mosquitoes have varied are two major types of leishmaniasis: cutaneous and visceral (kala their feeding time in areas where humans have intervened (Tadei et al. At present, malaria cases continue to be reported from the adapt to urban settings with some vegetation and cycling in dogs. Uncontrolled urbanization or colonization near forest areas has been typically associated with the emergence of Oropouche fever and Mayaro fever viruses (Vasconcelos et al. Coastal waters in both industrial and developing relationship between malaria and urbanization in two cities is pre countries are frequently contaminated with untreated sewage (see sented in Box 14. In tropical areas, cases are reported spond rapidly to changes in environmental conditions and are year-round. In temperate areas, cases are mainly reported in the therefore sensitive biological indicators of the combined in u warmest season. The seventh cholera pandemic is currently ences of climate change and soil and water pollution. In 1992, a new blooms are associated with several environmental factors, includ strain or serogroup (V.

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Light diet suffices in those cases where there is no open wound at the first arthritis medicine for cats buy celebrex 200 mg visa, or protrusion of the bone arthritis hot pain relief cream buy 200mg celebrex otc, for it should be slightly restricted for the first ten days arthritis in lower back pain at night order 200mg celebrex fast delivery, seeing that the patients are resting; and soft foods should be taken such as favour a due amount of evacuation. This dis� course gives a sort of normal rule for the treatment of frac� tures, how one should handle them surgically, and the results of correct handling. If any of the results are not as described, you may be sure there has been some defect or excess in the surgical treatment. You should acquaint yourself further with the following points in this simple method, points with which practitioners do not trouble themselves very much, though they are such as (if not properly seen to) can bring to naught all your carefulness in bandaging. It follows that as much as possible of the arm and wrist should be supported evenly in a soft broad scarf. When the humerus is fractured, if one extends the whole arm and keeps it in this posture, the muscle of the arm* will be bandaged in a state of extension, but when the bandaged patient bends his arm the muscle will assume another posture. It follows that the most correct mode of extension of the arm is this: One should hang up a rod, in shape like a spade handle and of a cubit in length or rather shorter, by a cord at each end. Seat the patient on a high stool and pass his arm over the rod so that it comes evenly under the armpit in such a position that the man can hardly sit and is almost suspended. Then placing another stool, put one or more leather cushions under the forearm as may suit its elevation when flexed at a right angle. The best plan is to pass some broad soft leather or a broad scarf round the arm and suspend from it heavy weights sufficient for due extension; failing this, let a strong man grasp the arm in this position at the elbow and force it down� wards. As to the surgeon, he should operate standing with one foot on some elevated support, adjusting the bone with the palms of his hands. The adjustment will be easy, for there is good extension if it is properly managed. Then let him do the bandaging, putting the heads of the bandages on the frac� ture and performing all the rest of the operation as previously directed. Let him ask the same questions, and use the same indications to judge whether things are right or not. He should bandage every third day and use greater pressure, and on the seventh or ninth day put it up in splints. If he suspects the bone is not in good position, let him loosen the dressings towards the middle of this periodf and after putting it right re-apply them. When these are passed one should undo the dressings and diminish the pressure and the number of bandages. Make your estimate from the swelling in the hand, having an eye to the patient�s strength. One must also bear in mind that the humerus is naturally convex out� wards, and is therefore apt to get distorted in this direction when improperly treated. In fact, all bones when fractured tend to become distorted during the cure towards the side to which they are naturally bent. So, if you suspect anything of this kind, you should pass round it an additional broad band, binding it to the chest, and when the patient goes to bed, put a many-folded compress, or something of the kind, between the elbow and the ribs, thus the curvature of the bone will be rectified. These bones are not often broken, unless the tissues are also wounded by something sharp or heavy. The proper treatment of the wounded parts will be discussed in the section on lesions of soft parts. The patient�s answers both as to pressure and relaxation should be similar to those in cases of fracture. All these bones are completely healed in twenty days, except those which are connected with the leg-bones in a vertical line. It is good to lie up during this period, but patients, despising the injury, do not bring them� selves to this, but go about before they are well. This is the reason why most of them do not make a complete recovery, and the pain often returns; naturally so, for the feet carry the whole weight. It follows that when they walk about before they are well, the displaced joints heal up badly; on which account they have occasional pains in the parts near the leg. Treat� ment, indeed, is the same, but more bandages and pads should be used, also extend the dressings completely in both direc� tions. Use pressure, as in all cases so here especially, at the point of displacement, and make the first turns of the bandage there.

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Those who find that exercise causes diarrhoea and who pass undigested stools resembling food rheumatoid arthritis diet in tamil generic celebrex 200mg mastercard, should have their exercise cut by at least a third while their food should be halved arthritis treatment bracelets buy celebrex american express. For it is clear that the belly cannot get sufficiently warm to arthritis in back pain buy celebrex from india digest the greater part of the food. The diet in such cases should consist of bread baked as well as possible crumbled in wine, together with the smallest quantity of practically undiluted wine. They should also take only one meal a day during the time they have diarrhoea; this will give the belly the best chance to deal with the food that is given it. This sort of diarrhoea is most common in those who are particularly stout, when, their constitution being what it is, they are obliged to eat meat. This type of consti� tution is nicely balanced, liable to fall off in either direction and it is at its best for only a short time. The sparer and more hirsute type of person can better cope with a big diet and also with hard exercise. Those who vomit their food the day after it has been taken and suffer from distension of the hypochondrium showing that the food remains undigested, should take more sleep and force their bodies by exercise. They should drink more wine and take it less diluted and also, at these times, reduce the amount of food. Those who suffer from thirst should reduce both the amount of food and the amount of exercise they take, and they should be given watery wine to drink as cold as possible. Those who get pains in the viscera as the result of gymnas� tics or any other form of exercise should rest without eating and drink the smallest quantity necessary to cause the passing of the greatest amount of urine. In this way the vessels coursing through the viscera will not become filled and distended and so cause tumours and fevers. In dislocations and fractures, the practitioner should make extensions in as straight a line as possible, for this is most conformable with nature;* but if it inclines at all to either side, it should turn towards pronation [palm down] rather than supination [palm up], for the error is less. Indeed, those who have no preconceived idea make no mistake as a rule, for the patient himself holds out the arm for bandaging in the position impressed on it by conformity with nature. In fact the treatment of a fractured arm is not difficult, and is almost any practitioner�s job, but I have to write a good deal about it because I know practitioners who have got credit for wisdom by putting up arms in positions which ought rather to have given them a name for ignorance. And many other parts of this art are judged thus: for they praise what seems outlandish before they know whether it is good, rather than the customary which they already know to be good; the bizarre rather than the obvious. One must mention then those errors of practitioners as to the nature of the arm on which I want to give positive and negative instruction, for this dis� course is an instruction on other bones of the body also. To come to our subject, a patient presented his arm to be dressed in the attitude of pronation, but the practitioner made him hold it as the archers do when they bring forward the shoulder, and he put it up in this posture, persuading himself that this was its natural position. He adduced as evidence the parallelism of the forearm bones, and the surface also, how that it has its outer and inner parts in a direct line, declaring * Galen makes this a general statement; but the writer is apparently speaking of the forearm, which he had already mentioned in a lost intro� duction. This gave an appearance of wisdom to his discourse and practice, but he had forgotten the other arts and all those things which are executed by strength or artifice, not knowing that the natural position varies in one and another, and that in doing the same work it may be that the right arm has one natural position and the left another. For there is one natural position in throwing the javelin, another in using the sling, another in casting a stone, another in boxing, another in repose. How many arts might one find in which the natural position of the arms is not the same, but they assume postures in accordance with the appara� tus each man uses and the work he wants to accomplish! As to the practiser of archery, he naturally finds the above posture strongest for one arm: for the hinge-like end of the humerus in this position being pressed into the cavity of the ulna makes a straight line of the bones of the upper arm and forearm, as if the whole were one, and the flexure of the joint is extended [abolished] in this attitude. Naturally then the part is thus most inflexible and tense, so as neither to be overcome or give way when the cord is drawn by the right hand. And thus he will make the longest pull, and shoot with the greatest force and frequency, for shafts launched in this way fly strongly, swiftly and far. For, first, if the operator, after putting up an arm, kept it in this position, he would inflict much additional pain, greater than that of the injury, and again, if he bade him bend the elbow, neither bones, tendons, nor flesh would keep in the same position, but would rearrange themselves in spite of the dressings. And perhaps our theorizer would not have committed this error had he let the patient himself present the arm. He adduced this as evidence for the naturalness of the position, and seemed to speak well. But, to begin with, if the arm were kept extended in supi� nation it would be very painful; anyone who held his arm extended in this position would find how painful it is.

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Quickly takes the right actions to treating arthritis of the neck discount 100 mg celebrex improve services or programmes after data are reported arthritis in the knee pictures purchase celebrex 100 mg free shipping. List the letters from the boxes in the correct order in which these activities should be carried out arthritis hand gloves purchase celebrex 200mg mastercard. A During surveillance in your community, you should always collect as much information as possible, even if you do not use it. B One of the major purposes of public health surveillance is to detect an epidemic before it can spread very far. C A good surveillance system uses passive and active surveillance methods to collect and report the most complete data. D Regular recoding and reporting of public health data is not essential in a high quality surveillance system. Following this request, you visited all households and identi ed 100 people who had a cough lasting more than two weeks. An integrated approach means that data on all important diseases will be collected, analysed, interpreted and reported in the same way, by the same people who normally submit routine report forms on health-related data. In this study session, we will also consider the case de nitions of priority diseases in Ethiopia, and how priority diseases are reported. These activities are essential in order to ensure that priority diseases in your community can be prevented and controlled. Learning Outcomes for Study Session 41 When you have studied this session, you should be able to: 41. Collecting, analysing and reporting priority diseases in this way has several advantages. First, it is cheap, since the same health personnel and reporting formats are also used for routine reports of health-related data. Second, it creates an opportunity to computerise all the available data at the central level. Third, it provides training and capacity building opportunities for health personnel to develop new skills. Fourth, it encourages community participation to detect and respond to disease epidemics. Active surveillance, on the other hand, uses data collected after a request from higher authorities for speci c information. They have signi cant public health importance (causing many illnesses and deaths). As the table shows, these 20 priority diseases are further classi ed into �immediately� or �weekly� reportable diseases. Some of the priority diseases, such as avian in uenza, pandemic in uenza A, cholera, measles, meningitis and relapsing fever are likely to spread quickly and to affect a large number of people. Therefore, you should always be alert for such diseases in your community, and report immediately to a health centre if you suspect, or are unsure about, a case. Weekly reportable diseases 14 Dysentery A bacterial or amoebic disease manifested by bloody diarrhoea (see Study Sessions 33 and 34) 15 Malaria An acute febrile disease with chills, headaches and muscle pain, caused by plasmodium parasites transmitted by mosquitoes (see Study Sessions 5 to 12) 16 Malnutrition A condition caused by shortage of protein, or carbohydrate or vitamins or minerals 17 Meningitis A bacterial disease manifested by fever and stiffness of the neck (see Study Session 3) 18 Relapsing fever A bacterial disease, transmitted by human body lice, manifested by episodes of fever, headache and muscle/joint pain (see Study Session 36) 19 Typhoid fever A bacterial disease manifested by fever, headache, joint pain and diarrhoea (see Study Session 33) 20 Typhus A bacterial disease, transmitted by human body lice, manifested by sustained high fever, headache and muscle/joint pain (see Study Session 36) What is the difference between eradication and elimination The term cluster refers to a larger-than-expected number of cases with similar symptoms, but without clear evidence (at this time) that they are connected in any way. The increase in cases in a cluster could simply be a coincidence, but it could also be a sign that an epidemic is beginning, i. Clusters of respiratory illness (including upper or lower respiratory tract infections and dif culty in breathing). Clusters of gastrointestinal illness (including vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, or any other gastrointestinal distress). Clusters of symptoms or signs indicating the possibility of meningitis (stiff neck, sensitivity to bright light, severe headache, etc. Non-traumatic coma (unconsciousness which is not due to an injury), or sudden death.