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Data Element Concept: Person�mother�s original family name Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: [X(40)] Maximum character length: 40 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Mixed case should be used (rather than upper case only). Collection methods: See relevant paragraphs in the collection methods section of the metadata item Person (name)�family name, text X[X(39)]. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Standards Australia Origin: National Health Data Committee National Community Services Data Committee Standards Australia 2002. Data Element Concept: Person�myocardial infarction Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Myocardial infarction occurred in the last 12 months 2 Myocardial infarction occurred prior to the last 12 months 3 Myocardial infarction occurred both in and prior to the last 12 months 4 No history of myocardial infarction Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: Ask the individual if he/she has had a myocardial infarction. Data Element Concept: Person (name)�name conditional use flag Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Unreliable information 2 Name not for continued use 3 Special privacy/security requirement Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: A single Person name may have multiple Name conditional use flags associated with it. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, certain tribal names may become �not for continued use� due to the death of a relative. Sydney: Standards Australia Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Mixed case should be used (rather than upper case only). For the purpose of positive identification of a person, each Name suffix must have an associated Name suffix sequence number recorded. Data Element Concept: Person (name)�name suffix sequence number Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 First name suffix 2 Second name suffix 3 Third name suffix 4 Fourth name suffix 5 Fifth name suffix 6 Sixth name suffix 7 Seventh name suffix 8 Eighth name suffix 9 Ninth and subsequent name suffix Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: Multiple Name suffixes may be recorded. The Name title for Master should only be used for persons less than 15 years of age. Name titles for Doctor and Professor should only be applicable to persons of greater than 20 years of age. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Standards Australia 1023 Origin: National Health Data Committee National Community Services Data Committee Standards Australia 1999. Data Element Concept: Person (name)�name title sequence number Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 First name title 2 Second name title 3 Third name title 4 Fourth name title 5 Fifth name title 6 Sixth name title 7 Seventh name title 8 Eighth name title 9 Ninth and subsequent name title Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: Multiple Name titles may be recorded. For the purpose of positive identification of a person, each Name title must have a Name title sequence number recorded. Example: Professor Sir John Markham In the example above �Professor� would have a name title sequence number of 1 and �Sir� would have a name title sequence number of 2. Data Element Concept: Person (name)�name type Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Preferred name 2 Medicare name 3 Newborn name 4 Alias name Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: A person may have more than one name that they use. Each name recorded must have one or more appropriate Person name type associated with it. One name is sufficient; however, where the person offers more than one name, clarification should be obtained from the person to ensure accurate identification of the person and recording of the various names. The currently used name, as well as names by which the person has previously been known, should be recorded if these are known. Where the person changes their preferred name, record the previously recorded preferred name as an Alias name. There must be a preferred name recorded except for unnamed newborns where the newborn name is the only name recorded. Also, if the person is a health care client, record his/her Medicare card name if different to the preferred name, and any known alias names. The name stated on the Medicare card is required for all electronic Medicare claim lodgement. If the preferred name of the person is different to the name on the Medicare card, the Medicare card name should also be recorded. For an individual health care provider, this is the person�s name registered by Medicare (Health Insurance Commission). This includes misspelt names or name variations that are to be retained as they have been used to identify this person. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: At least one organisation name must be recorded for each organisation and each name must have an appropriate Organisation name type.

Testosterone replacement is indicated for Individual psychotherapy and sex treatment of hypogonadism at any age therapy are the treatments of choice for (Maurice 2005) treatment 6th nerve palsy buy cheap isordil on line. Therapy administer testosterone only to medicine naproxen 500mg isordil 10 mg line men with should focus on the situation and the clearly defined hypogonadism symptoms lactose intolerance isordil 10 mg visa. Some argue that pogonadism and/or other endocrine because testosterone receptor sensitivity abnormalities. It is well known that tes decreases with age, it may not be clear tosterone production peaks around age what a �normal� testosterone level is. It is very important to establish modes of sexual gratification (Aggrawal whether the patient has considered en 2009). He sist until the person is able to establish suggests that other pharmacological a consensual relationship, at which time approaches, including antiandrogens, the medication can be cautiously ta should be used only after these mea pered. A case sisting the person to establish prosocial study by Abouesh and Clayton (1999) relations that are sexually fulfilling. Before treatment the patient reported sexual thoughts and anxiety prior to acting on his urges. He described improvement in his ability to control his voyeuristic acts but still reported recurring thoughts of voyeurism. After the dose of paroxetine was raised to 20 mg, he reported a notice able decline in the intensity of his voy Sexual fetishistic disorder involves a euristic urges and fantasies. Other re persistent sexual interest in nonsexual search on the pharmacological treatment inanimate objects or specific body parts of voyeurism identifies the combined (Box 38�6). Because the rarely seek treatment until they have object is often strongly preferred or re been caught. It is important for clinicians quired for sexual arousal, sexual dys to establish that the aim of treatment is to functions may occur if inclusion of the assist in modifying the sexual interest fetish does not occur. Edu generally associated with criminality cation about the difference between nor but may lead to occupational, inter mal arousal from seeing a naked person personal, or social impairment (Brad and arousal from spying on a noncon ford and Meston 2011). Patients jects often include but are not limited to with voyeuristic disorder should always women�s undergarments, shoes, feet, and be asked about other paraphilic interests, leather. A marked incongruence between one�s experienced/expressed gender and assigned gender, of at least 6 months� duration, as manifested by at least six of the following (one of which must be Criterion A1): 1. A strong desire to be of the other gender or an insistence that one is the other gen der (or some alternative gender different from one�s assigned gender). In boys (assigned gender), a strong preference for cross-dressing or simulating fe male attire; or in girls (assigned gender), a strong preference for wearing only typ ical masculine clothing and a strong resistance to the wearing of typical feminine clothing. A strong preference for the toys, games, or activities stereotypically used or en gaged in by the other gender. In boys (assigned gender), a strong rejection of typically masculine toys, games, and activities and a strong avoidance of rough-and-tumble play; or in girls (as signed gender), a strong rejection of typically feminine toys, games, and activities. A strong desire for the primary and/or secondary sex characteristics that match one�s experienced gender. The condition is associated with clinically significant distress or impairment in social, school, or other important areas of functioning. It also makes passing in the gen dysphoria, and that more effectively ad der role of the opposite sex much easier dressing the role that parental psycho if an adolescent decides to proceed with pathology allegedly plays in the etiol sex reassignment. The ado periences that might theoretically result lescents displayed better psychological in a homosexual identity rather than a functioning after puberty-suppressing transsexual one. The latter criticism is treatment and no change in their gender especially salient, given the observation dysphoria or body satisfaction. All of falling in love and awareness of sex of the treated adolescents subsequently ual attraction were factors that resulted began cross-sex hormone therapy and in the disappearance of their gender intended to complete the process of sex dysphoria� (p. Kleptomania this page intentionally left blank Because the addiction field is vast, it is Rates of heroin addiction have re beyond the scope of the chapters in this mained stable, with about 800,000 to 1 part to provide a sweeping overview. Although maintenance treatments Related Disorders," John Mariani reviews are clearly the most effective approach to the current state of the art regarding the prevent relapse, a substantial number of pharmacological treatments for alcohol opioid-dependent individuals only want use disorder (alcohol dependence), rang detoxification. In Chapter 48, "Opioid ing from detoxification to relapse preven Related Disorders: Opioid Detoxifica tion. Disulfiram was the first treatment tion," Meredith Kelly and Herbert Kleber approved by the Food and Drug Adminis discuss the pros and cons of the com tration for alcohol dependence, in 1951. Kampman and Charles O�Brien review While misuse of benzodiazepines has the utility of antagonists treatment for been stable during the past decade, prob opiate dependence as well as the already lematic use remains a chronic problem, mentioned development, intramuscular particularly when combined with other depot naltrexone.

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As with all treatment decisions symptoms genital herpes cheap isordil 10 mg without prescription, practitioners must scrupulously exercise informed consent for all evaluations medications hyponatremia discount isordil 10mg with amex, treatments and procedures being considered medications made easy 10mg isordil mastercard. The victim should be provided with information in clear, understandable language which describes the nature, purpose, likely effects, likelihood and degree of improvement and/or remission, hazards and risks, reasonable alternatives to the treatment, level of confidentiality surrounding the treatment, and the ability to withdraw from the treatment without penalty at any time. Following such discussion, and upon clarification and responses to questions, the victim should then freely assent to or deny permission, without consequence, as stipulated 2,3,87 in federal and state law, and professional standards. It is also important to note that effective trauma treatment must be interdisciplinary � �the management of inmate sexual assault victims cannot be undertaken without the active and positive involvement of all correctional staff, including administrators, security, classification, and other members of the correctional 41,p. These providers offer a wide range of services, including criminal justice support advocacy, crisis counseling, emergency assistance, forensic examination, clinical care and treatment, information and referral, safety planning and transportation to name but a few services. The Office of Crime Victim Services provides a national database of services to crime victims which can be accessed at 275 ovc. Additionally, the crime victim service network has a plethora of resources available which can be very helpful in providing training to correctional staff, in understanding the dynamics and impact of 129 victimization, and in meeting the complex needs of prison sexual assault victims. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance 97,119,129 Protecting Inmates and Safeguarding Communities 2004 Grant Awards. This innovative collaboration includes development of brochures and materials for inmates, assistance in conducting inmate surveys, providing services to prison sexual assault victims, staff training and resource 93 development, including a recently published technical assistance guide for services to prison victims. Both of these initiatives provide a template for correctional agencies to emulate � involving community agencies can enhance the services which can be provided to victims, and improve community access. Trauma Resources for Clinicians There are a number of resources that may be especially helpful in providing substantive, concrete care to victims of prisoner sexual violence. They include books, websites, associations, and information on specific treatment interventions. This list provides a representative sample of excellent resources to provide competent care. This test is the most current and comprehensive review currently available of cognitive behavioral intervention for a wide variety of survivor populations written by the leaders in the field. Trauma and recovery: the aftermath of violence � from domestic abuse to political terror. Trauma and Recovery is recognized as a classic in the field of psychology, with a thorough and insightful examination of the effects of trauma � it provides an outstanding examination of the phases of recovery (safety, remembrance & mourning, reconnection) and is must reading for anyone serving victims of trauma. Written in an informative style, this text provides an overview of a general crisis response model for intervention, and includes useful case examples and exercises. Inmate sexual assault victims should be entitled to the same level of professional investigation process, including forensic evidence collection, witness 26,27,35,36,86,111 testimony, and due consideration by prosecuting authorities for criminal prosecution afforded to sexual assault victims in the community. The process of criminal prosecution is time consuming and lengthy � victims should be kept informed of the court process, being advised of each court appearance, the status and outcome. Victims should be afforded the services of a victim advocate to help them negotiate through the criminal justice process as well as to prepare for testifying at the trial. The Constitution and the rule of law extend to all citizens in our nation, and do not end at the walls of the correctional institution � ensuring public safety by decreasing the impact of victimization on inmates who will return to the community, providing documentation of the perpetrator�s risk and possibly delaying the perpetrator�s return to the community. Concrete, specific referrals to community medical and mental health providers, accompanied by accurate records and including assistance in securing prophylactic medications, is vital to continuing the individual treatment of the victim upon release to the community. As previously identified, the sequelae of inmate sexual victimization may extend far beyond the initial trauma � victims who are left untreated or under-treated face the potential of psychiatric decompensation, use of alcohol and/or substances to self-medicate and numb the pain, and even the potential to act out 32,35,36,37,39,41,51,57,60,61,70,72,77,98,99,118 with anger and frustration toward others in the community. Like other inmates re-entering community life, care should be taken to facilitate adequate housing, employment, and health care to facilitate successful community re-integration. Psychiatric services in jails and prisons: A task force report nd of the American Psychiatric Association (2 Edition). Spheres of consent: An analysis of the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of women incarcerated in the state of Hawaii. Prevalence and severity of lifetime physical and sexual victimization among incarcerated women. Suicide prevention in the schools: Guidelines for middle and high school settings. Report of the Re-entry Policy Council: Charting the safe and successful return of prisoners to the community. Suicide prevention initiatives in a large statewide department of corrections: A full-court press to save lives. Accounting for sex-differences in depression through female victimization: Childhood sexual abuse. Confronting America�s most ignored crime problem: the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003.

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The standardization of a norm-referenced There are many examples of norm-referenced test creates a scale in which an individual�s score tests in current use in educational settings symptoms sleep apnea buy discount isordil on line. The score is deter administered achievement test frequently used by mined to symptoms 0f high blood pressure purchase 10 mg isordil overnight delivery be high or low based on the scores obtained public school systems medications journal purchase cheap isordil on line. Assessment of children: Cognitive appli the mean and 1 standard deviation above or below the cations (4th ed. Assessment of at-risk and special mathematics achievement test scores will lie between needs children (2nd ed. The normal dis these relationships between the percentages of test tribution is a symmetrically shaped bell curve with scores and standard deviation units are important when the largest number of scores in the middle of the dis discussing test score interpretations. Because the nor mal curve is symmetrical, the measures of central See also Percentile Ranks; Standard Deviation tendency. Psychological testing the midpoint of the distribution (Cohen & Swerdlik, and assessment: An introduction to tests and measurement 1999). This may be related to the availability and United States because of its association with detri ingestion of convenient, inexpensive, flavorful, and mental social and physical outcomes and its rising high-fat foods. Although several proposed the second societal trend is that children lead a methods for determining childhood obesity exist, the more sedentary lifestyle, partly because of monetary most widely used is to define childhood obesity as cutbacks in America�s physical education programs. The research demon suggest that the prevalence of childhood obesity has strates that child obesity is linked to video games and risen by 4% over the previous decade (Centers for the level of body fat is related to television watching. Although In addition, research indicates that the more time a obesity rates have increased for both sexes and all child spends engaging in such sedentary activities the racial�ethnic groups studied, it appears that rates of greater the likelihood that the child will be obese; and obesity may be higher among minority groups, includ that the relation between lack of physical exercise and ing African Americans and Mexican Americans, when being overweight begins early, during the preschool compared to whites. Within this environment, certain children may Childhood obesity has multiple possible causes, be at particular risk for obesity. Genetic variables play which can be best understood by considering the a role in childhood obesity as these variables may combined effect of societal, genetic, and behavioral influence metabolism, muscle characteristics, and factors. The first issue deals preference for salty and sweet tastes, and excess con with consumption. The Food Guide Pyramid, created sumption of these preferred foods would likely lead to by the U. Further, parental feed supported by the Department of Health and Human ing behaviors affect children�s eating habits. For example, children whose diet is greatly carbohydrates from grains should be eaten in the restricted are more likely to eat large portions of those greatest quantity, followed by fruits and vegetables, forbidden foods when given the freedom of choice, 355 356���Obesity in Children creating a possible future pattern of overeating (Birch praising healthy food choices) increases weight loss. Based on literature reviews demonstrating that weight Childhood obesity is associated with significant loss programs for children are most effective when risk for health and psychological problems. A review parents are highly involved, it has been recommended of relevant literature reveals that obese children are that parents take a leading role in childhood obesity more likely to develop hypertension, diabetes, and treatment and prevention (Zametkin & colleagues, sleep apnea (Dietz, 1998). A number of specific parental skills have been weight children have two or more of these problems. Trained sloppiness and view obese children as less attractive, individuals in the schools can implement enjoyable less intelligent, and less popular (Birch & Fisher, exercise programs that children will want to continue 1998). Perhaps in part incorporate nutrition programs teaching children because of social discrimination, obese children may proper eating habits. Overall, severely obese the school psychologist should identify the cultural children have a lower quality of life than their normal and societal influences, such as the media and the weight peers, comparable to children diagnosed with child�s family, that affect the child�s eating patterns cancer. The goal of any nutrition pro By networking with other school psychologists, nutri gram is to have the child ingest fewer calories than tionists, and health educators, a school psychologist he/she expends each day while following current U. Most the issues that arise from weight-related teasing by studies have focused on decreasing caloric intake and peers, and possibly engage in role playing to educate increasing healthy food consumption. Thus, cise programs alone are ineffective, they may increase the most effective treatment of obesity in children may weight loss when combined with decreased caloric be a combination of parental and school-guided behav intake. While there is no clear answer to the best exer ioral programs focused on decreasing caloric intake cise approach, lifestyle exercise seems to be superior and establishing a healthy diet, while incorporating to structured aerobic activity. With proper inter into children�s daily routine, such as taking the stairs vention, it may be possible to decrease the growing instead of the elevator, or engaging in hobbies that childhood obesity trend. Retrieved May 10, 2004, from it is generally accepted in the literature (Snider &. Medical consequences of obesity in is underreported in children and youth because of an children and adolescents. Familial approach to the Developmentally, most children experience minor treatment of childhood obesity: Conceptual model.

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