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By: M. Ernesto, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Co-Director, University of Mississippi School of Medicine


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Nonstress test was performed today and showed a fetal heart rate baseline of 130 p11-002 antibiotic cheap zyvox 600 mg line, moderate variability taking antibiotics for sinus infection while pregnant zyvox 600 mg, and two 15 x 15 accelerations antibiotic resistant salmonella purchase zyvox online. O C R (Objective, Critique, Reference) Objective: To know the assessment of growth Critique: Head circ is the most concerning observation. The nurse taking care of the infant reports wet diaper between the diaper changes suggesting dribbling of urine. O C R (Objective, Critique, Reference) Objective: To know the association in cases of imperforate anus Critique: Tethered cord is seen in 25% of infant with imperforate anus. Third child being a female fetus is very less likely to have Fragile X syndrome C. His neonatal abstinence score (Finnegan score) is 11, 10, 9, 8 and 7 for last 5 days respectively. The morning labs showed triglyceride of 250 mg/dl, glucose of 140 mg/dl and albumin of 3. Exploratory laparotomy was done with resection of jejunum and end-end anastomosis. The nurse is concerned about the increased stool output and skin redness around the anus. During the C-Section a small 1x 2 cm incision was made accidentally on the thigh of the baby which required 2 stitches. O C R (Objective, Critique, Reference) Objective: To know the facts about antifungal drugs Critique: Hearing deficits are not associated with antifungal agents. The description of normal placenta at term gestation is (weight, diameter, thickness) A. O C R (Objective, Critique, Reference) Objective: To know the size of normal placenta Critique: 500, 22 and 2 is the best choice. The other main source is respiratory losses, especially when nursed under radiant warmer. Second course of ibuprofen with slightly higher dose should be tried before ligation B. Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal and Neonatal Edition, Vol 70, F112-F117 NeoQuestions1to1. He underwent surgical resection of about 15 cm of small intestine with end-end anastomosis. Feeding was started with expressed breast milk but later changed to elemental formula due to steatorrhea. Pancreatic enzyme, 1 capsule a day, was started and sweat chloride test was ordered which was reported as normal. O C R (Objective, Critique, Reference) Objective: To know about Shwachman-Diamond syndrome Critique: Steatorrhea and pancreatic insufficiency favor the diagnosis of Shwachman-Diamond syndrome which is associated with neutropenia and thrombocytopenia. O C R (Objective, Critique, Reference) Objective: To know the developmental stages of external genitalia Critique: By 9 wk the external genitalia is undifferentiated and by 14 completely differentiated Reference: Fanaroff and Martin�s Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. O C R (Objective, Critique, Reference) Objective: To know the association of choroid plexus cyst with Trisomy 18 Critique: Choroid plexus cysts are associated with Trisomy 18. On the day of discharge, after getting the car seat test, hearing screen, hepatitis B, synagis and circumcision, the nurse noted bluish discoloration of the lips and nail bed. O C R (Objective, Critique, Reference) Objective: To know about clinical presentation of methemoglobinemia Critique: Scimatar syndrome is characterized by partial anomalous pulm venous return-less likely reason as the baby is stable on room air and cyanosis would be severe. Which of the following results fit best to the cause of hyponatremia in the infant O C R (Objective, Critique, Reference) Objective: To know about eye reflexes Critique: Corneal and doll eye reflexes are present @ 24-25 wk. Palpebral fissure are tight in preterm infants as compared to term infants Reference: Brodsky D, Martin C. O C R (Objective, Critique, Reference) Objective: To know effect of Hb level on cyanosis Critique: At least 5 g/dl reduced Hb needed to be present to manifest cyanosis.

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If disease oc tions derived from F(t) are used to antimicrobial floor mats buy 600 mg zyvox with amex define the instantaneous currence is unrelated to bacteria in urine icd 9 purchase zyvox 600mg on-line exposure antibiotics make acne better cheap 600mg zyvox free shipping, one expects that (t) = E incidence rate. One is the survivor function, which is the (t), whereas lack of equality between these two incidence U probability of being disease free throughout the interval (0, rates indicates an association between disease occurrence t) and is equal to 1 � F(t). Rear Integrating the instantaneous incident rate yields the cumu ranging terms results in lative incidence rate t t = u du. Note that b = 0 corresponds to the case of no �Rates, Risks, and Probability Models. At low lev Direct Estimates of Risk els of exposure, cancer risks associated with exposure are the previous section defined the fundamental quantities small relative to baseline or background risks. For most carcinogens, exposure is not a simple Consequently, direct estimates of risk are not possible for dichotomy (unexposed, exposed) but occurs on a continuum. The alternative is to use math That is, the exposure or dose d can vary from no exposure ematical models for risk as functions of dose and stratifying (d = 0) upward. For all carcinogens it is generally agreed that suffi Estimation via Mathematical Models for Risk ciently large doses increase the risk of cancer. Model-based estimates efficiently exploit for many carcinogens the only open or unresolved issue is the information in the available data and provide a means of the dependence of risk on small or low doses. Low-dose deriving estimates for strata and dose profile combinations ranges are often the most relevant in terms of numbers of for which data are sparse. They are also the most difficult ranges ing assumptions about the functional form of a risk model. Of course, the validity of estimates derived from models these difficulties result from the fact that small increases in depends on the appropriateness of the model; thus model risk associated with low levels of exposure are difficult to choice is important. The keeping in mind statistical limitations imposed by the quan initiated cells then divide either symmetrically or non tity and quality of data available for model fitting. Symmetrical division results in two initiated cally based and empirically derived mathematical models cells, while nonsymmetrical division results in an initiated for risk are discussed in the next two sections. The rate of symmetrical division is designated by (t), and the death differentiation rate by (t). The difference � is the net proliferation rate for initiated Biologically Based Risk Models cells. The rate of division into one initiated cell and one malig Biologically based risk models are designed to describe nant cell is designated by �(t) (Hazleton and others 2001). The applied successfully to a number of important data sets, in use of biologically based risk models in epidemiologic analy cluding atomic bomb survivors (Kai and others 1997) and ses can result in a greater understanding of the mechanisms occupational groups such as nuclear power plant workers of carcinogenesis. These models can also help to expose the and miners (Moolgavkar and others 1993; Luebeck and oth complex interrelationships between different time and age ers 1999; Sont and others 2001). Biologically survivors illustrates the usefulness of the two-stage model in based risk models provide an analytical method that is radiation epidemiology (Kai and others 1997). Findings from complementary to the traditional, well-established, empiri this analysis include the observation of a high excess risk cal approaches. The temporal patterns cancers the log-log plot of age-specific incidence rates ver in cancer risk can be explained in part by a radiation-induced sus age is nearly linear, up to moderately old ages. This ob increase in the pool of initiated cells, resulting in a direct servation has led to the development of models for carcino dose-rate effect (Kai and others 1997). In brief, Armitage and Doll�s theory postulates that two-stage model (Heidenreich and others 1997) and multi malignant transformation occurs following the kth stage of a stage models (Heidenreich and others 2002b) have been ap series of spontaneous and irreversible changes (Armitage plied to atomic bomb survivors� data. This database contains personal dosimetry records for work these models have been fit to various data sets, leading to ers exposed to ionizing radiation since 1951, with current the observation that most cancers arise after the occurrence records for more than 500, 000 Canadians (Ashmore and oth of five to seven stages. The basic assumption of this model is that a malig proposed by Moolgavkar and colleagues, which allowed for nant cell results from the accumulation of mutations, with k the growth of normal tissue and the clonal expansion of in mutations required for malignancy. Numer that an increment of dose at age a, at rate d(a), results in a ous two-stage models have since been described in the lit multiplicative increase r[1 + d(a)] in the rate of all k mu erature (Fisher 1985; Moolgavkar 1991; Sielken and others tations. Although this model applies to both recessive and 1994; Luebeck and others 1996; Heidenreich and others dominant mutations, it does not explicitly allow for selective 1999, 2002a, 2002b; Moolgavkar and others 1999; Heiden proliferation of cells having only some of the required muta reich and Paretzke 2001; Moolgavkar and Luebeck 2003). For example, the study els depend on fundamental assumptions regarding the population-specific parameters for A-bomb survivor data mechanisms of radiation carcinogenesis. The ated by modern biologically based risk models have direct incidence rate is, in general, a function (a, e, d, s, p) of all of biological interpretation, provide insight into cancer mecha these factors. These models also provide a way of describing temporal patterns of exposure and risk. When the excess risk functions are similar dose-response curves without direct information on dependent on the study population�that is, when they the fundamental biological processes represented by the depend on the factor p�estimates of risk derived from the model, which are often unknown.

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Null enzyme mutations would mates bacteria large intestine buy generic zyvox line, one can conclude that they are of the same order infection bio war order zyvox with american express. It should be noted that the first tions) are higher than those for the other end points antibiotic list for uti zyvox 600 mg amex. Relative Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and deter risk is the ratio of the rate of disease among groups having minants of disease prevalence in man (MacMahon and oth some risk factor, such as radiation, divided by the rate among ers 1960). Absolute ogy, exposure to radiation is the factor of primary interest, risk is the simple rate of disease among a population. Epidemiologic studies have been of particular impor has the units of the rates being compared. If the rates of disease differ in the gists measure factors that are suspected of leading to its de exposed and unexposed groups, there is said to be an asso velopment. A basic comparison used in radiation epidemiol ciation between exposure and disease. None of these mea ogy is to measure the rate of a specific disease among persons sures of risk is sufficient to infer causation. A second step in who have been exposed to radiation and among persons who data analysis is necessary to assess whether or not the risk have not. The two rates are compared to assess whether they factor is simply a covariate of a more likely cause. This does closely related to the burden of disease and to its impact on not necessarily mean that in all populations at all times, ra the population. Thus, each type of measure has its advan diation is not related to the disease, but it does mean that in tages, and each is used in this report. If the association between radiation exposure and a disease in the disease rate is higher among those exposed to radiation, there population of interest, the next task of the epidemiologist is is a positive association. If the disease rate is higher among to assess whether noncausal factors may have contributed to the unexposed group, there is a negative (inverse) associa the association. An association might not represent a causal tion between radiation exposure and disease. It should be noted that chance can 1See Glossary for definition of specific epidemiologic terms. When the levels of all study cannot be demonstrated to have occurred because of explanatory factors are determined by observation only, the error or bias, an investigator computes a measure of associa study is observational. If treatment is assigned by a random tion that takes into account any relevant differences between process, the study is experimental. Also it is usual to relevant to the evaluation of radiation risks in human popu quantify the uncertainty in a measured association by calcu lations are observational. For example, in the study of lating an interval of possible values for the true measure of atomic bomb survivors, neither the conditions of exposure association. This confidence interval describes the range of nor the levels of exposure to radiation were determined by values most likely to include the true measure of association design. It always is possible that Two basic strategies are used to select participants in an the true association lies outside the confidence interval ei observational epidemiologic study that assesses the associa ther because the model is incomplete or otherwise in error or tion between exposure to radiation and disease: select ex because a rare event has occurred (with rare defined by the posed persons and look at subsequent occurrence of disease, probability level, commonly 5%). A study comparing disease rates among exposed and may be the cause of some disease is to compare the results unexposed persons, in which exposure is not determined by of a number of studies that have been conducted on popula design, is termed a �cohort� or a �follow-up� study. If a general pat comparing exposure among persons with a disease of inter tern of a positive association between radiation exposure and est and persons without the disease of interest is termed a a disease can be demonstrated in several populations and if �case-control� or �case-referent� study. However, if studies in several populations pro vide inconsistent results and no reason for the inconsistency Intervention trials are always prospective�for example, is apparent, the data must be interpreted with caution. No subjects with some disease are enrolled into the study, and general conclusion can be made that the exposure is a cause assignment is made to some form of treatment according to of the disease. Random is not the same as haphazard; a randomizing However, at relatively low doses, there is still uncertainty as device must be used, such as a table of random numbers, a to whether there is an association between radiation and dis coin toss, or a randomizing computer program. However, ease, and if there is an association, there is uncertainty about random assignment does not guarantee comparability.

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