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In current clinical practice mental disorders memory purchase lyrica 75mg on-line, splenomegaly is classified as hepatic or hematologic mental illness 1800 purchase lyrica 75mg visa. In cirrhosis mental disorders disability buy 75 mg lyrica fast delivery, the following may be present along with splenomegaly: jaundice, ascites, collateral abdominal circulation, bleeding gums or epistaxis. Moderate splenomegaly but mostly, important enlargement of the spleen may cause pain, discomfort or a sensation of weight in the left hypochondrium. There may be mild splenomegaly (up to 13-14 cm), moderate splenomegaly (15-16 cm), and important splenomegaly (more than 16 cm). If any of these signs of cirrhosis are found, it is a clear sign that splenomegaly is caused by a chronic liver disease. Otherwise, possible abdominal enlarged lymhnodes will searched for (suggestive for lymphoma), by exploring the celiac and aorto-caval lymph nodes (in sagittal and transverse sections). In chronic hepatitis (particularly hepatitis C, but sometimes also hepatitis B or autoimmune hepatitis), one or more oval lymph nodes 15-25/10 mm in size can be found in the hepatoduodenal ligament, of inflammatory origin. The power Doppler ultrasound examination of the spleno-portal axis is useful for highlighting a possible thrombosis with secondary splenomegaly. The diagnostic assessment of splenomegaly without signs of cirrhosis on ultrasound will start with the exclusion of a liver disease (much more frequent compared to hematologic diseases associated with splenomegaly). The liver should be carefully palpated to find hepatomegaly, followed by assessment of liver consistency. More recently, the use of FibroScan (transient elastography) or other types of elastography allows detection of elasticity changes corresponding to chronic liver disease (chronic hepatitis and especially cirrhosis). If hepatomegaly is not detected by clinical exam and both biological tests and elastographic evaluation (if available) are normal, splenomegaly will be referred to a hematologist for further investigation. Ultrasound is useful and sufficient for monitoring splenomegaly, the exception being giant splenomegaly, where the visualization of whole organ is difficult. In these cases, if available, the Siemens SieScape system can be used panoramic imaging. The ultrasound appearance of an accessory spleen is that of a well circumscribed round oval structure with an identical echogenicity to that of the spleen, situated in the hylum or one of the splenic poles. The ultrasound recognition of accessory spleens is easy, the landmark being a similar echogenicity of the structure and the spleen (Fig. Spleen trauma Over the past years, as a result of the increasing number of road traffic accidents, the number of splenic traumas has also increased. Thus, spleen ruptures or intrasplenic or subcapsular hematomas have become more frequent. Moreover we are talking about a critical patient, who sometimes cannot cooperate during the ultrasound examination (deep inspiration or stopping breathing). The ultrasound examination of a patient following road traffic trauma, a fall or an explosion starts by assessing the peritoneal cavity in order to assess if fluid is present. It may be detected in the Douglas space, with a hypoechoic rather than anechoic appearance. The evaluation of the splenic loge may reveal a completely normal spleen or pathological changes. Each region of the spleen will be visualized and the integrity of the capsule will be assessed. Failing to scan either poles of the spleen may lead to missing a pathological change. Spleen rupture involves, in addition to hemoperitoneum, a discontinuity in the splenic capsule, with the presence of a poorly circumscribed hypoechoic peripslenic hematoma (Figs. A subcapsular hematoma varies in size and appears as a hypoechoic crescent that surrounds the spleen. There is a risk of a two phase rupture of the subcapsular hematoma, with severe secondary hemorrhage. The use of power Doppler for the assessment of splenic vascularization and of vessels proximal to the hematoma can be helpful for the therapeutic approach. The difficulties encountered during ultrasound evaluation in splenic trauma are related to the fact that the patient is frequently in a critical state, in pain, having multiple fractures, and cannot cooperate. The ultrasound appearance of lymphomas is of hypoechoic, frequently inhomogeneous and poorly circumscribed areas inside the spleen.

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