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By: M. Rune, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Co-Director, Roseman University of Health Sciences

Causes of failure to gastritis diet mayo buy misoprostol 200 mcg with visa control tumors by radiation: tumor related xiphoid gastritis discount misoprostol 200 mcg with visa, host related technical/mechanical errors gastritis diet virus buy misoprostol once a day. Time, dose, and fractionation relationship: isoeffect curves, isoeffect relationships. Irradiation of sub-clinical disease, debulking surgery, importance of clonogen numbers. Combination Radiation -Chemotherapy Definitions of radiosensitiser, synergism, potentiation, antagonism. Hyperthermia Sources, rationale (historical examples), advantages and disadvantages, thermotolerance. Cellular damage: comparison and contrast with radiation, thermal and non-thermal effects of ultrasound, microwaves, radiofrequency, etc. Use along with radiotherapy and chemotherapy: optimum sequencing of combined modalities. Clinical trials Statistical basis for planning & interpretation Clinical Trials. Planning a trial � Establishing objectives short term and long term � Determining the appropriate criteria. Guidelines for treatment response assessment Complete Response, Partial Response, No Response, Stable disease. End points of treatment results: Loco-regional control, recurrence, metastasis, survival, quality of life. Treatment related morbidity assessment (i) Radiation morbidity (early & late) (ii) Morbidities of combined treatment (iii) Grading Systems. Chemotherapy practice & results/ toxicities in sequential & concomitant chemoradiotherapy. The principles of cell kill by chemotherapeutic agents, drug resistance, phase specific and cycle specific action. The general principles of pharmacokinetics; factors affecting drug concentration �in vivo� including route and timing of administration, drug activation, plasma concentration, metabolism and clearance. Early, intermediate and late genetic and somatic effects of common classes of anticancer drugs. An understanding of the mode of action and side effects of common hormonal preparations used in cancer therapy (including corticosteroids). Use of the major biological response modifiers such as interferons, interleukins and growth factors and knowledge of their side effects. Basic principles of surgical oncology, biopsy, conservation surgery, radical surgery, palliative surgery. Structured training: lectures, seminar, Journal club, Ward-round, Physics demonstration, Practical, Case Presentations. How to set up a Radiotherapy and Oncology department, planning of infrastructure, & equipments 5. Research Ability: He/she should also acquire elementary knowledge about research methodology, including record-keeping methods, and be able to conduct a research inquiry including making a proper analysis and writing a report on its findings. He/she should develop general humane approach to patient care with communicating ability with the patient�s relatives especially in emergency situation such as in causality department while dealing with cancer patients and victims of accident. Cognitive knowledge: Describe embryology, applied anatomy, physiology, pathology, clinical features, diagnostic procedures and the therapeutics including preventive methods, (medical/surgical) pertaining to musculo-skeletal system. The recent trends towards limb salvage procedures and the advances in chemotherapy need to be familiar to him. In any type of posting after qualification the orthopaedic surgeon would be exposed to all varieties of acute trauma. Hence, it is his responsibility to be able to recognize, assess and manage it including the medico legal aspects. Sports medicine not only encompasses diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of athletic injuries but also their prevention, training schedules of personnel & their selection. Adequate exposure in the workshop manufacturing orthotics and prosthetics is mandatory, as is the assessment of the orthopedically handicapped. In addition the student learns about implants in orthopaedics and their metallurgy.

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Both intravenous use and free base inhalation produce a Cocaine use produces a very mild physical gastritis juicing order misoprostol 100 mcg fast delivery, but a �rush� of pleasurable sensations gastritis diet ����� cheap misoprostol 100mcg with visa. A triphasic Cocaine is a central stimulant which inhibits the withdrawal syndrome usually follows an abrupt dis reuptake of dopamine gastritis uptodate buy misoprostol 200 mcg, along with the reuptake of continuation of chronic cocaine use (Table 4. In animals, cocaine Complications is the most powerful reinforcer of the drug-taking behaviour. A typical pattern of cocaine use is cocaine the complications of chronic cocaine use include �runs� (binges), followed by the cocaine �crashes� acute anxiety reaction, uncontrolled compulsive (interruption of use). Cocaine is sometimes used in behaviour, psychotic episodes (with persecutory delu combination with opiates like heroin (�speed ball�) sions, and tactile and other hallucinations), delirium or at times amphetamines. High doses of cocaine can cocaine misuse appears to be recently a growing often lead to seizures, respiratory depression, cardiac problem in the metros of India. Acute cocaine intoxication is characterised by pupil Treatment lary dilatation, tachycardia, hypertension, sweating, and nausea or vomiting. A hypomanic picture with Before starting treatment, it is essential to diagnose increased psychomotor activity, grandiosity, ela (or rule out) co-existent psychiatric and/or physical tion of mood, hypervigilance and increased speech disorder, and assess the motivation for treatment. Haloperidol (or pimoz depression, and even to heighten energy and capac ide) can be used for the treatment of psychosis, as ity to work. These must be administered very carefully is basically phenyl-iso-propylamine or methyl by an expert specialist. The Treatment of Chronic Cocaine Use dextro-amphetamine isomer is nearly 3-4 times more the management of underlying (or co-existent) psy potent than the levo-isomer. It acts primarily on nore chopathology is probably the most important step in pinephrine release in brain, along with an action on the management of chronic cocaine use. The pharmacological treatment includes the Although still clinically indicated for narcolepsy use of bromocriptine (a dopaminergic agonist) and and attention decit hyperactivity disorder (and very amantadine (an antiparkinsonian) in reducing cocaine rarely for obesity and mild depression), one of the craving. The goal of the treatment is central as well as cardiovascular effects of ampheta total abstinence from cocaine use. Acute intoxication is treated by symptomatic meas Intoxication and Complications ures. The neuropsychiatric manifestations Treatment of Withdrawal Symptoms include anxiety, panic, insomnia, restlessness, irrita bility, hostility and bruxism. The presence of severe suicidal depression may necessitate Acute intoxication may present as a paranoid hal hospitalisation. The treatment includes symptomatic lucinatory syndrome which closely mimics paranoid management, use of antidepressants and supportive schizophrenia. The management of withdrawal syndrome rapidity of onset, prominence of visual hallucinations, is usually the rst step towards successful management absence of thought disorder, appropriateness of affect, of amphetamine dependence. Ampheta mine-induced psychosis usually resolves within seven Lysergic acid diethylamide, rst synthesised by Albert days of urinary clearance of amphetamines. Hoffman in 1938 and popularly known as �acid�, is a Chronic amphetamine intoxication leads to severe powerful hallucinogen. A high degree compounds found in the �morning glory� seeds, the of tolerance is characteristic, with the dependent lysergic acid amides. These perceptual changes include deperson depression (may present with suicidal ideation), alisation, derealisation, intensication of perceptions, marked asthenia, apathy, fatigue, hypersomnia alterna synaesthesias (for example, colours are heard, and ting with insomnia, agitation and hyperphagia. The commonly abused these changes are usually associated with marked barbiturates are secobarbital, pentobarbital and amo anxiety and/or depression, though euphoria is more barbital. Persecutory and referential as benzodiazepines have replaced barbiturates in the ideation may also occur. Tolerance (both central and the individual experiences a loss of control over his metabolic) develops rapidly and is usually marked. The recovery usually occurs within 8-12 hours of There is also a cross tolerance with alcohol. Rarely, the intoxication is severe enough Intoxication and Complications to produce an acute psychotic episode resembling a schizophreniform psychosis. Drug automatism may sometimes often induced by stress, fatigue, alcohol intake, severe lead to lethal accidents. Intravenous use can lead to skin abscesses, cel lulitis, infections, embolism and hypersensitivity Complications reactions. The with depressant or antipsychotic medication, along with drawal syndrome is at its worst about 72 hours after supportive psychotherapy. If patient is conscious induction of vomiting Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders 51 and use of activated charcoal can reduce drug absorp to heavy doses (more than 60-80 mg per day of dia tion.

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Nuestro enojo nos da miedo porque sentimos que podemos destruir nuestro mundo gastritis diet ��� purchase 100mcg misoprostol otc, pero es algo que se puede liberar simplemente diciendo: �Estoy enfadado por esto� gastritis diet of augsburg misoprostol 100mcg mastercard. Es verdad que no siempre podemos decirle algo asi a nuestro jefe gastritis journal articles purchase misoprostol discount, pero podemos aporrear la cama o vociferar en el coche cerrado o jugar al tenis, que son maneras inofensivas de descargar tisicamente la colera. Es frecuente que las personas con tendencias espirituales crean que �no deberian� enojarse. Ciertamente todos nos esforzamos por llegar al momento en que ya no culpemos a nadie por nuestros sentimientos; pero mientras no hayamos llegado a ese punto, es mas saludable que reconozcamos que es lo que sentimos en un momento dado. Apatia, negativa y resistencia a sentir, porque no agrada lo que se ve y se siente. Diccionario Jacques Martel: Insomnio Frecuentemente relacionado con el hecho de quedarme �enganchado� a una forma de culpabilidad. Nuevo modelo mental: Con amor dejo atras el dia y me sumerjo en un sueno tranquilo, en la seguridad de que el manana cuidara de si mismo. Todo esto afecta al sistema nervioso, que, a su vez, influye en el sistema glandular. Uno de los ejercicios mas saludables consiste en recostarse en la cama apretando muy fuerte el entrecejo con el pulgar durante un minuto, tratando de relajarse. Masajearemos tambien las suprarrenales, el timo y el sistema nervioso, antes de pasar al resto de los organos y las glandulas. El desencadenamiento de esta enfermedad es lo que llamamos la �conversion repetitiva minima� la (crm) es la transformacion de una emocion en un sintoma, pequenas situaciones conflictivas vividas a lo largo del tiempo al estilo de una estalactita. Si cada dia voy dudando de si algo es bueno o malo, poco a poco se va danando el rinon. No viene de un bioshock, no vamos a preguntar �desde cuando� (esto es valido para todas las enfermedades cronicas). La pregunta clave para los afectados de insuficiencia renal es: �Estas teniendo cada dia en la disyuntiva de es bueno o malo para mi El intestino delgado se encarga de absorber lo bueno para el organismo y dejar pasar el resto al intestino grueso para ser evacuado. Resentir: �No puedo absorber o asimilar este pedazo, he tragado la situacion y la he llevado hasta este punto, pero no la puedo asimilar. Conflicto: Conflicto de identidad femenino: no sabe a donde ir, no sabe cual es su sitio (que posicion o decision adoptar). En mujer diestra y en hombre zurdo (afeminado) ambos en constelacion esquizofrenica, en hombre diestro y mujer zurda (tambien si es postmenopausica) Louise L. Aun cuando solo una parte de lo que sucede no le convenga, su tendencia sera de rechazarlo todo. Ejemplo: Un senor tiene un negocio con un familiar y se entera que el familiar ha puesto toda la empresa a su nombre. Entra en estres (guarrada) para poder digerir-la se generan celulas a nivel del intestino. La masa va creciendo, pero al cabo de un mes, el familiar hace marcha atras, el senor entra en vagotonia y entran los microbios a deshacer la masa, entonces empieza a sangrar por el ano y va al medico, le detectan cancer, pero ya estaba en fase de resolucion 308 de conflicto. En principio, si no hay obstruccion de la luz (si no se cierra el ano) el tumor se deshace solo en aproximadamente el mismo tiempo que ha tardado la fase de simpaticotonia. Nuevo modelo mental: Con facilidad asimilo todo lo que necesito saber y con alegria libero el pasado. Los problemas del colon son el estrenimiento, la diarrea, los colicos, la colitis, los gases intestinales, los tumores, el cancer, los calambres, la gastroenteritis y los parasitos. Es una persona que se aferra mucho a los detalles en lugar de ver la situacion globalmente. Un problema en el intestino grueso se produce en la persona que tiene dificultad para deshacerse de viejas ideas o creencias que ya no le son necesarias (estrenimiento) o que rechaza demasiado rapido los pensamientos que podrian beneficiarle (diarrea). Tienes que trabajar tu fe; tener fe en la presencia divina en ti y en el Universo que existe para ocuparse de todo lo que vive en este planeta, incluido tu. Nuestra biologia esta marcada por un numero definido de �casillas� como las cajitas de una imprenta; Caracterizan nuestra especie y nuestra funcion ecologica. La vida primero fue biologica, biologica por naturaleza, y psicologica por accidente. Por esto debemos desde el principio, apoyarnos en lo que es vivo, en el desarrollo del embrion. Estos elementos fundamentales, fundadores de nuestra identidad biologica, son los fundamentos de todas nuestras necesidades.

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