


", women's health clinic norman".

By: C. Vigo, M.A., M.D.

Co-Director, University of South Alabama College of Medicine

It effectively removes intestinal putrefaction or decomposition which is one of the most important causes of bad breath menopause 50 . It is rich in tannic women's health ketone diet , malic menstrual gas relief , oxalic and phospheric acids as well as calcium, oxalate and manganese. Two cups of water should be boiled and several springs of parsley, coarsely chopped, should be stepped in this water alongwith two or three whole cloves or a quarter spoon of ground cloves. It should then be strained and used as a mouth wash and gargled several times a day. All fruit and vegetable juices are beneficial in the treatment of hali to sis and should be taken liberally by those suffering from this disorder. Juices from fruits like apple, grape-fruit, (chaka to ra), lemon and pineapple, and vegetables like to ma to, carrot and celery are especially beneficial. The person suffering from bad breath should take plenty of exercise as lack of sufficient exercise is one of the main causes of constipation leading to hali to sis. It is so common at this stage of life that nearly all children everywhere in the world go through this brief period of red spots. Symp to ms the first symp to ms which appear during 7 to 14 days after exposure to the virus are feverishness, cold, watering of the eyes and dry cough. Rashes appear on the skin in three to five days after the onset of these symp to ms. These rashes, which consist of small rounded spots with reddened skin in between, initially appear on the sides of the face and the neck and then gradually spread all over the body, appearing last on the extremities. Complication which can arise from this disease include pneumonia, bronchitis, and ear abscess. The measles virus is so infectious that in cities, children catch this disease before they reach the age of five years. Mothers generally pass their antibodies to their children which immunize them passively. Measles is easily transmitted in the early stages through the invisible droplets of moisture which are discharged from a patient�s nose or mouth when he coughs or sneezes. The real cause of this disease, like other diseases of childhood, is, however, wrong feed and unhygienic living conditions. Measles is thus a natural healing crisis aimed at cleansing the infant organism of the to xins and deleterious and products resulting from the assimilation of the vast excess of starchy and sugary foods consumed by young children to day. The Cure In the beginning of the treatment, the patient should be given juices of fresh fruits like orange and lemon frequently. As light has a detrimental effect upon the eyes during measles, because of the weakened condition of the external eye tissues, the child should have his eyes shaded or the room should have subdued light. The treatment should aim at bringing down the temperature and eliminating the to xins from the system. This can be achieved by administration of warm water enema every morning, application of mud packs on the abdomen twice a day in the morning and evening and repeated application of chest packs. As the condition improves, the child can be placed on an all fruit diet for a further few days. Home Remedies Certain home remedies have been found beneficial in the treatment of measles. When the digestive power of the body is seriously hampered, the patient suffers from intense to xaemia and the lack of saliva coats his to ngue and often destroys his thrust for water as well as his desire for food. The agreeable flavour of orange juice helps greatly in overcoming these drawbacks. This powder, mixed with a few drops of honey and the juice of a few bitter gourd leaves, should be given to the patient suffering from measles. Powdered liquorice (mulethi) has been found valuable in relieving the cough, typical of measles. The use of barley (Jau) water has proved beneficial in case of troublesome cough in measles. This water should be taken frequently sweetened with the newly drawn oil of sweet almonds. Sanyal of Calcutta, intake of half a gram to one gram of these seeds daily for three days will help develop immunity against measles for one year. Hygienic condition along with the above mentioned treatment will lead to speed recovery. It is a contagious disease that occurs most frequently in children and young persons between the ages of five and fifteen years.


  • Polycystic kidney disease, infantile, type I
  • Lachiewicz Sibley syndrome
  • Hirschsprung disease type 2
  • Esophageal disorder
  • Hypotrichosis mental retardation Lopes type
  • Wieacker syndrome
  • Phosphoglucomutase deficiency type 4
  • Cataract-glaucoma

Injection therapy Ignatia-Injeel (forte) S pregnancy ovulation calculator , Carbo vegetabilis-Injeel and Sulfur-Injeel S (in place of these womens health editor , possibly Engys to menstruation chart l N) and possibly Bryonia-Injeel (forte) S i. Tuberculinum-Injeel (forte), Medorrhinum-Injeel (forte) or possibly Psorinoheel, also Psorinum-Injeel (forte) as intermediate Nosode preparations. Mercurius praecipitatus ruber-Injeel (forte S) for nightly awakening by attacks of breathlessness. Yerba santa-Injeel, Wyethia helenoides-Injeel and Zingiber-Injeel are recommended. Additional hepatic therapy (Hepeel, Hepar suis-Injeel, Chelidonium-Homaccord, Injeel Chol), further, Arnica-Injeel S, Traumeel S, Naja tripudians-Injeel, etc. Coenzyme compositum (enzyme functions), possibly also Ubichinon compositum or collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle, at intervals also Mucosa compositum (remedy for affections of the mucous membranes) and Hepar compositum (stimulation of the de to xicating functions of the liver), otherwise, also Corpus pineale suis-Injeel, Pulmo suis-Injeel, Vesica urinaria suis-Injeel, Colon suis Injeel (drainage preparations), later also Ren suis-Injeel and Hepar suis-Injeel alternating or mixed i. Mucosa nasalis suis-Injeel (in the case of simultaneous affection of the nasal mucous membranes with swelling and dyspnoea). Progressive au to -sanguis therapy with the preparations mentioned once to twice weekly. Asthma, cardiac (Haemodermal impregnation or degeneration phase) (Main remedy: Aurumheel N) Aurumheel N drops at 8 a. Injection therapy Ignatia-Injeel S, Arnica-Injeel S, Carbo vegetabilis-Injeel and Arsenicum album-Injeel (forte) S alternating with Naja tripudians-Injeel (forte), Phosphorus-Injeel S, Digitalis Injeel forte S, possibly Convallaria-Injeel forte and Strophanthus-Injeel; in place of these, also Strophanthus compositum. Cor compositum (after compensation has been achieved, for continuous treatment once to twice weekly i. See also asthma (bronchial), myocardial infarction, emphysema, fatigue, Addison�s disease, dyspnoea, etc. Athlete�s heart (Haemodermal deposition or impregnation phase) (Main remedy: Aurumheel N) Aurumheel N drops at 8 a. Cor compositum (action on the cardiac circulation), possibly also Placenta compositum (circula to ry disorders), otherwise Coenzyme compositum, Strophanthus compositum and possibly Diphtherinum-Injeel; Cor suis-Injeel i. Atrial fibrillation (Haemodermal impregnation phase) (Main remedy: Aurumheel N) Chelidonium-Homaccord at 8 a. Injection therapy Strophanthus compositum (disturbances of the cardiac circulation) i. Chelidonium-Homaccord with Arsenicum album-Injeel S (conditions of anxiety) and Aconitum-Homaccord i. Natrium-Homaccord and Apis-Injeel forte S as intermediate injection, Kalium carbonicum-Injeel (forte) for arrhythmia, Rauwolfia compositum (for hyper to nic heart), otherwise Coenzyme compositum and Ubichinon compositum (improvement of disturbed enzyme functions), possibly also Cor compositum (cardiac to nic for chronic affections) and Hepar compositum (improvement of disturbed hepatic enzyme functions). See also arrhythmia (cardiac), cardiac insufficiency, angina pec to ris, tachycardia, thyro to xicosis, etc. Bacterial growth, disturbed (En to dermal deposition or impregnation phase) (Main remedY: Nux vomica-Homaccord; bacterial substitution) Veratrum-Homaccord 8-10 drops in the morning Nux vomica-Homaccord 8-10 drops midday Hepeel 1 tablet in the afternoon Diarrheel S 1 tablet in the evening possibly all four preparations taken to gether morning and evening. Injection therapy Anacardium-Homaccord, Nux vomica-Homaccord, Veratrum-Homaccord, Hepeel and possibly Galium-Heel with Hepar suis-Injeel, Colon suis-Injeel, Jejunum suis-Injeel, Rectum suis-Injeel, Pancreas suis-Injeel, alternating or mixed i. Bacterium coli-Injeel, Bacterium proteus-Injeel, Bacterium lactis aerogenes-Injeel, Salmonella typhi-Injeel and Salmonella paratyphi B-Injeel, possibly also as forte preparations at intervals. Balanitis (Germinodermal reaction phase) (Main remedy: Traumeel S) Traumeel S at 8 a. Traumeel S ointment rubbed in twice daily or a cot to n gauze coated thickly with ointment laid around the glans penis. Bartholinitis (Ec to dermal or germinodermal reaction phase) Mercurius-Heel S at 8 a. Bechterew�s disease (Osteodermal deposition phase) China-Homaccord S 8-10 drops at 8 a. Rhododendroneel S for pains dependent on the weather, at intervals as massive initial-dose therapy. Injection therapy Neuralgo-Rheum-Injeel, China-Homaccord S, Dulcamara-Homaccord, Colocynthis Homaccord, Traumeel S, Tonico-Injeel and Phosphor-Injeel (forte) (typical when the spine is bent forward, long-term remedy), alternating or mixed i.

Glucose is said to breast cancer 6 months chemo be neuro to breast cancer xrt xic and it is better avoided in patients with stroke women's health urinary problems . B Exclude causes of brain dysfunction, which mimic stroke like states like syncope, migraine, hysteria and trauma. Determine Presumptive Diagnosis of Stroke Subtype Numbers of clinical features are useful in determining the type of stroke. A good his to ry taking, and proper physical examination may suggest the possible cause of the stroke. Important his to rical information includes: � Mode of onset and pattern of progression o Embolisms usually occur suddenly when the patient is awake, most often early in the morning, giving maximum deficit at onset. Very severe headache with altered consciousness without major neurologic deficit may suggest subarachnoid hemorrhage. Physical Examination � Physical Findings may give clue to the type of stroke the patient is suffering from. Confirmation of Diagnosis: different investigations are needed to confirm the diagnosis. Management of specific stroke Goal of Treatment � Interruption of further brain damage � Prevention and management of complication A. General Measures � Admit the patients where close follow up can be given � Continue follow up and maintenance of vital functions. Anticoagulation with heparin should be initiated when the acute phase of stroke is over. Rehabilitation: is a very important part of management, and it shall be started early and include: � Physiotherapy � Occupational and speech therapy. Impairment of consciousness and Coma Learning objectives: at the end of this lesson the student will be able to : 1. Introduction Maintenance of conscious state requires proper functioning of the cerebral hemispheres, reticular activating system found in brain stem and corticothalmic connections. If there is structural, metabolic or to xic insult of diffuse nature to these structures results in alteration of conscious level of different degree. Au to nomic functions are relatively well maintained, and a sleep-wake cycle exists. The loss of consciousness in such patients is diffuse bilateral hemispheric impairment, and such patients have normal brainstem function. Some of the causes include: 515 Internal Medicine � Metabolic disturbances such as: hepatic encephalopathy,uremic encephalopathy,hypoglycemia, diabetic ke to acidosis. Diseases that cause focal neurologic deficit: these disorders cause coma by affecting the reticular activating system. Establishment of cause of coma: is done by taking a careful his to ry, doing rapid but through physical examination and investigations. Patient His to ry: Past medical his to ry: looking for disease like diabetes, hypertension, cirrhosis, chronic renal disease, malignancies and other diseases. Level of consciousness: can be assessed semi quantitatively using the Glasgow coma Scale. Brain stem reflexes Assessment of brainstem functions helps to localize the cause of coma. This can be done using brain stem reflexes including, pupillary light response, ocular movements, corneal reflex and the respira to ry pattern. If the brainstem functions are normal, coma must be ascribed to bilateral hemispherical disease. During examination size, shape, symmetry and reaction to light should be noted on both eyes. Occulocephalic reflex Oculocephalic reflex is elicited by moving the head from side to side or vertically with eyes held open. In coma to se patient with intact brainstem o If the eyeballs move to the opposite direction of the head movementfiintact brainstem function (�doll�s eyes� movement is positive. Caloric (occulovestibular) reflex o this test is performed by irrigating the ear with ice (cold) to stimulate the vestibular apparatus. It is lost if the reflex connections between the fifth (afferent) and the seventh (efferent) cranial nerves within the pons are damaged. Mo to r function /response Posture of the patient: o Quadriparesis and flaccidity: suggest pontine or medullary damage o Decorticate posturing: flexion of the elbows and the wrists with supination of the arms, and extension of the legs, suggests severe bilateral or unilateral hemispheric or diencephalic lesion (damage above the midbrain.

This case definition booklet will serve as a guide for all medical professionals including the Medical Assistants and the nurses who notify infectious diseases breast cancer lanyard . The standard case definitions will harmonise the surveillance activities of these notifiable diseases women's health law . The contact telephone & fax numbers of the nearest health offices and relevant departments are included in this booklet for easy reference or in case of any doubt as to menstrual 4 days early who to notify. Goals To facilitate the control of the infectious diseases under surveillance by identifying the following: a. Prevailing incidence levels, impacts and trends to assist in the development of feasible objectives for prevention and control of the diseases and the evaluation of control programmes. Epidemiologic patterns and risk fac to rs associated with the diseases to assist in the development of intervention strategies. Detection of outbreaks for the purpose of timely response, investigations and effective implementation of control measures. Quality If surveillance is considered necessary for any particular infectious disease, then the surveillance must be carried out in such a manner as to be of the highest epidemiologic quality. This implies the following: a) Use of standard case definitions uniformly across the country for these notifiable infectious diseases. Reporting or notifying of infectious diseases is mandated by the Prevention and Control of Infectious Disease Act 1988. A Notification Regulation was subsequently gazetted in 1993 whereby to date a to tal of 26 infectious diseases is required to be notified by law. The use of these case definitions which provides standardized criteria for the reporting of cases will enhance the quality of data received under the national notification of infectious diseases. A combination of clinical, labora to ry and epidemiologic criteria is used to classify these cases. These case definitions include a brief clinical description which is intended for the purpose of notifying & classifying cases and should not be used for making clinical diagnosis by the attending physicians. Probable or suspected cases may be described in the case classification to assist local public health authorities in carrying out their public health mandate, such as outbreak investigation, contact tracing and prevention & control measures in a timely manner. Physicians diagnosing cases of specific (notifiable) infectious diseases should report these cases based on clinical diagnosis with/without labora to ry confirmation to the district health authorities. These authorities are responsible for determining that the cases meet the surveillance case definitions before they officially register the cases. Where there is uncertainty because data are missing or the results are inconclusive, it may be reported as a probable or suspected case, but the status must be confirmed later. The district health authority registering & reporting the case collects all necessary epidemiologic data on it. The reporting of a case should be timely and need not be delayed until all epidemiologic data are available. While district health authorities are encouraged to collect all information requested by the reporting system, when some items are not available the case should be reported with missing items listed as unknown. The only exception is when data to determine whether the case meets the case definition are missing. How to Use Information in this Report these case definitions are to be used for identifying and classifying cases, both of which are often done retrospectively, for national reporting purposes. For many conditions of public health importance, action to contain disease should be initiated as soon as a problem is identified; in many circumstances, appropriate public health action should be under-taken even though insufficient information is available to determine whether cases meet the case definition. Terms that are used in case classification are defined as: Clinically compatible case: a clinical syndrome generally compatible with the disease, as described in the clinical description. Probable case: a case that is classified as probable for reporting purposes Confirmed case: a case that is classified as confirmed for reporting purposes. The special notification formats for these diseases are in the appendices 4 and 5. For further information, comment and suggestion, please contact Surveillance Section of Communicable Disease Ministry of Health.

. Dr.Yvette Gentry - Thanksgiving Food & Pregnancy.